Awesome Rewards were awarded to the following staff for November:
Kavitha Bhawanideen for completing her SAICA articles
Chante-Lize Coetzer for going the extra mile and completing her tax return in an accurate and timeous manner
Matthias Krafft for being 100% focused, a team player and delivering quality all of the time
Natasha Bothma for a job well done on consolidation of Renasa Group
Shaista Ebrahim for overall job well done on Simon Pies
Shane Short for always going the extra mile
Shene Miller for excellent work done while assisting in the Secretarial Department
New staff members:
A warm welcome to –
Andriana Hanegraaf who joined the accounting department.
Farewell to a staff member:
We say farewell to Safwaan Mansoor and Ghilaine Kikoba wish them success in their future career endeavours.