Awesome Rewards:
Renier Smit – Hard work and dedication during a stressful audit
Ntshepeng Tshotetsi – Hard work and dedication during a stressful audit
Kavitha Bhawanideen – passing APC board exam
Proffessor Mafela – passing APC board exam
Kim Sing – passing Advanced Labour Law
Esmeralda Lottering for passing CTA level 2 exams
Proffessor Mafela and Kavitha Bhawanideen for passing the SAICA APC exam
Kim Sing for passing the Advanced Labour Law exam
New staff member:
A warm welcome to Melishia Engelbrecht – Audit Supervisor started on 1 March
Farewell to staff members:
We bid farewell to –
Erleen Coetzee
Aasimah Khan
Venice Jordaan
Dean du Toit
Divan Dixon